

FABOH prides itself on offering wellness/wellbeing tools, resources, and educational events that meet our members where they are at and provide value given the current trends and issues employers are facing.  A large part of the success we have had with these offerings can be attributed to a volunteer group of our FABOH Wellness Contacts who agree to serve on our Wellness Steering committee.  This group, who meet up to six times a year, provide valuable insight and feedback on the programming options brought forward to ensure that the end product shared with all members will add value.  As a reward for their time and efforts, this group gets first hand knowledge on the upcoming wellness resources as well as the ability to share input on how they are designed.  If you or one of your team members would like to serve on the Wellness Steering Committee, please contact Jeff Butz at jbutz@faboh.com.

Current members of the Wellness Steering Committee include:

Jonah Adams

Ripon Area School District


Debbie McFarlane

Guaranty Service Group


Mataya Welak

Society Insurance


Karen Wilhelms



Nikki Willner

City of Fond du La