A health risk assessment is a key building block to any well designed wellness program, providing valuable feedback to the participant as well as population data that can be used by the employer to support the development of targeted programs. FABOH members receive this service at no cost, see the details of this value added benefit below.
Who is Eligible:
All employees and spouses who work at FABOH member companies
What is Included:
Online questionnaire from WebMD
Onsite biometric screening including height, weight, blood pressure, and waist circumference
Onsite laboratory blood tests via venipuncture including Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Ratio, and Glucose
Additional tests available for a fee
An individual biometric scorecard (upon employer request)
HRA Follow-up Services:
HRA follow-up sessions are available upon request
Individual online reports for each participant (Printable)
Company aggregate report including all employees and spouses who participated
Cohort reporting for employers (When applicable)
Additional Features Include:
Ability to upload biometric and lab results from a previous HRA vendor
Large service area, within 30 miles of St. Agnes Hospital, to accommodate satellite locations
Additional cost for outside of service area
Convenient spouse or shift-work screening options available upon request
Biometric Screening Only Option – Members can choose to only utilize the biometric screening portion of the HRA process if they choose
SSM will provide the screening data to the company’s HRA vendor in a generic format and the company will be responsible for any costs to scrub or upload the data to their system.
For more information on this benefit or how you can use these results to develop a comprehensive wellness program, please contact Jeff Butz at 920-924-3780 or jbutz@faboh.com.